Emily Gilman Beezley

Emily Gilman Beezley’s need for artistic expression has led to a lifelong dedication to exploring a variety of traditional and non-traditional mediums. Gilman Beezley studied oil painting, printmaking and watercolor at the H.S. of Art & Design, Colgate University, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Dijon, France, the Art Student’s League of New York and Parsons School of Design. 

During the pandemic, the artist was awarded a commission from the AtlantiCare Hospital Healing Arts Foundation to create “Monarch Sunset”, two 3’H x 6’W oil panels. Since then she has continued to support healing arts initiatives along with green infrastructure and environmental justice public arts initiatives, all areas that she is passionate about.

A recent pivot has the artist promoting social awareness with a series of mixed media paintings exploring gender tropes. Environmental responsibility is another focus, especially as it pertains to the artist's home state of NJ. The result is a series of artwork depicting rising sea levels.

Currently, Gilman Beezley maintains a daily studio practice where she creates and runs her art business.


Our natural world seen through a contemporary lens is the inspiration for my artwork. Through my art, I strive to evoke feelings of peace and serenity juxtaposed with energetic mark making so viewers stay engaged. Recent artworks use sinuous lines to delineate sections of my compositions outlining both positive and negative spaces, a technique I acquired from printmaking.

Loving glorious color, my favored palette relies on vibrant pigments with Prussian blue, viridian and cadmium red leading the charge. My goal is to channel the excitement of the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, when it switches from black and white to saturated color. Primarily painting with oils, I also love applying watercolor and pastel to monotypes.



